How to cut back on storage usage
There are many ways how you can reduce storage and this article will show you how.
Firstly you can free up some space by clearing old logs you can do this by doing the following:
- Log in and select your server on the panel:
- Create a backup: you can learn how here
- From the tab selection bar click "File Manager"
- Go to the logs folder
- Select old files/ folders you wish to get rid of
- Click on Delete
Secondly, you can free up space by going onto plugins like luckperms or litebans/any ban management plugin and switching its database to MySQL instead of H2
you can start your free database now by doing the following:
- Login into your server panel:
- From the tab selection bar click "Databases"
- Click "New Database" and name it
once you have created your database it should look something like this:
4. Click the eye button to see its information
5. Fill in the relevant information in the config file and then you have to change your storage file to MySQL.
Thirdly you can free up space by deleting backups from inside a plugins folder, some plugins do this to make sure if a server crash happens or you just need to rollback you can so we don't recommend you completely remove all of the backups only really old ones and this process can also be less stressful if the backup period is longer, some plugins backup every 30 seconds others every day.